
Reduce Cortisol Naturally

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CortiSync delivers all-natural adrenal support for balancing cortisol levels & dramatically reducing stress to help you feel great and perform your best!

  • Enhances Physical Performance
  • Increases Muscle Strength & Energy Levels
  • Boosts Cognitive Function
  • Targets Stress-Induced Weight Gain

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Is This You?

Are you struggling with high cortisol levels?

If you are, then you might be familiar with the devastating effects this “stress” hormone can cause on the body.

According to published articles from the Harvard Medical School, Johns Hopkins Medicine and Saint John’s Health Center [1,2,3], the symptoms of high cortisol include:

Icon: Fatigue


Feeling exhausted, completely drained and tired all day long

Icon: Fatigue

Increased Appetite

Especially craving sweets and fatty foods

Icon: Weight Gain

Weight Gain

Sometimes suddenly, specifically around the belly, face and hips

Icon: Muscle Weakness

Muscle Weakness

Feeling weaker throughout the body and muscles take longer to recover

Icon: Fatigue

Mental Fogginess

Trouble focusing and staying on task, murdering productivity

Icon: Fatigue

No Motivation

Frequently skipping workouts and avoiding physical activities

Medical experts also believe that high cortisol levels:

  • Disrupt your sleep/wake cycle
  • Trigger mood disturbances
  • Cause panic attacks
  • Diminish sexual performance

And the list of Cortisol- related health issues could go on. According to leading research led by the Cleveland Clinic: “Cortisol is an essential hormone that affects almost every organ and tissue in your body.”

So when cortisol levels get too high… you feel it everywhere!

Cortisync Bottle with Tablets

Now You DON’T Have To Ditch Coffee, Practice Yoga OR Try Meditating To Reduce Your Cortisol

As you may know, stress – both physical and mental – causes cortisol levels to “spike”.

Physical stress could include weight lifting, running and virtually any type of exercise that gets your heart pumping.

Examples of mental stress include pressure from work, arguing with a spouse, and being stuck in a traffic jam.

The point is, physical and mental stress is practically UNAVOIDABLE. And too much stress has the potential to send your cortisol levels soaring…

So how can a physically active guy, under a lot of pressure at work, while at the same time trying to balance and enjoy your family life, expect to reduce Cortisol?

Well,if you’re like most guys, you may have searched online for solutions.

Or maybe you visited your doctor. If that’s the case, then you’re probably familiar with these common “solutions”:


“Get more sleep… Exercise… Stop drinking coffee… Meditate.”

This is all great advice. And it sure sounds good on paper. But in reality, when your cortisol levels are high…

Getting more sleep is nearly impossible BECAUSE high cortisol disrupts your sleep/wake cycle.

Exercising can feel like a complete waste of time BECAUSE high cortisol levels deplete energy, zap muscle strength and screw up your metabolism, making it nearly impossible to lose weight!

And cutting back on coffee is simply NOT an option for some guys. They just won’t give up “God’s nectar” no matter what.

But what about meditating? It sounds relaxing, but when you got a jam-packed schedule and can hardly find an extra 5 minutes in your day, how in the world are you going to find the time to sit cross-legged with your eyes closed chanting “Kumbaya” for an hour? It just won’t work! And besides, some guys find it hard to meditate. It just doesn’t work for everyone.

So again, what can you do?


CortiSync Helps Reduce Your Cortisol Levels WITHOUT Changing Your Lifestyle


The CortiSync formula is specifically designed to balance cortisol levels in men by addressing the root cause.

This way you could reduce your cortisol levels:

  • WITHOUT skipping your morning coffee
  • WITHOUT changing your daily schedule
  • WITHOUT fasting or going on weird diets
  • WITHOUT exercising your head off with little-to-no results
  • WITHOUT changing your nightly routine
  • WITHOUT practicing any form of yoga or meditation
Logo: Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

The Root Cause Of High Cortisol: “Hyper-Functioning” Adrenal Glands

Logo: Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

Cortisol is released and regulated by your adrenal glands. But your adrenal glands can become “hyper-active” with too much stress. And when this happens, cortisol levels flood your body uncontrollably.

“When adrenal glands produce excessive amounts of certain hormones, they are called ‘overactive.”

-Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Logo: Cleveland Clinic

Science Shows Adaptogens Can Help “Normalize” Your Adrenal Function For Optimal Cortisol Levels

Logo: Cleveland Clinic

Adaptogens are special plants shown to help increase your body’s resistance to stress while reducing cortisol levels.

The research shows adaptogens work by improving adrenal function for optimal cortisol levels.

Bottom line: Adaptogens are a natural way to support your adrenal glands to help address the root cause of high cortisol.

“If you’re stressed (elevated cortisol), an adaptogen will respond by reducing cortisol levels.”

-Cleveland Clinic

But Not All Adaptogens Are Created Equal.

You see, some adaptogens are better than others at reducing cortisol. And the research shows, even the best cortisol-reducing “superstars” are known for poor absorption.

So if that’s true, what are the best adaptogens for reducing cortisol?

And how can you make sure the adaptogens you’re getting absorb properly into your system for maximum effectiveness?

Thankfully, CortiSync answers these two difficult questions in one simple formula.


CortiSync Is Made With 7 Scientifically-Researched Adaptogens To Help Optimize Your Cortisol Levels

CortiSync® is a one-of-a-kind blend of seven cortisol-reducing adaptogens.

The PrimeGENIX research team carefully selected these seven adaptogens because of the rock-solid evidence for optimizing cortisol levels.

Each adaptogen in the CortiSync formula is backed by research from either human clinical trials or in-vivo and in-vitro studies, including hundreds of scientific papers published in prestigious journals from around the world.

With CortiSync, every dose provides you with seven of the world’s most effective, safe and proven adaptogens to help you get your cortisol levels under control.


Adaptogen #1


Holy Basil

Adaptogen #2

Holy Basil


Adaptogen #3


Lemon Balm

Adaptogen #4

Lemon Balm


Adaptogen #5



Adaptogen #6



Adaptogen #7


Clinically Shown To Reduce High Cortisol Levels

In a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study, a U.S. patented adaptogen in CortiSync helped significantly reduce cortisol while enhancing resistance to BOTH physical and emotional stress.

Now, if this is the cortisol-reducing power of just ONE adaptogen in CortiSync… just imagine what ALL seven adaptogens in this breakthrough formula could do for you!


“A Patented Breakthrough Adaptogen in CortiSync Significantly Reduced Cortisol Levels Compared To A Placebo.”

Graph: Cortisol vs Placebo

In fact, this same patented adaptogen was tested in 12 human clinical studies.

Here are some of the amazing results:

  • Reduced fatigue by 7X
  • Improved sleep by 70%
  • Improved endothelial function by 91%
  • Boosted focus by nearly 2x
  • Decreased stress by 62.2%

Recommended By Dr. Kaleb Redden

Dr. Redden is a practicing Sports Physician and the Team Doctor for PrimeGENIX. He helps Olympic and professional athletes recover from injuries with the goal to come back stronger than before. He’s also a leading expert in the exercise and nutrition industry who knows what it takes for guys to get in top shape, fast. That’s why he’s so passionate about warning men about the dangers of high cortisol levels. Specifically, how too much cortisol can potentially “screw up” your muscle gains and physical performance. That’s why Dr. Redden recommends CortiSync®. A natural way to get your cortisol levels under control, so you can enjoy your favorite physical activities while getting in shape and getting the most out of life.

Backed By Groundbreaking Results & Published In Multiple Medical & Scientific Journals

All of the ingredients in CortiSync® are extensively researched and backed by rock-solid evidence for reducing stress. These jaw-dropping results are published in globally-respected journals, such as: Nutrition, Nature, Science Direct and much more. Even leading medical authorities like the Cleveland Clinic recommend Ashwagandha, Rhodiola and Lemon Balm (each found in CortiSync®), as “safe options” for reducing cortisol.

ScienceDirect Nutrients Psycology Today Nature NIH Cleveland Clinic

Feel Your Motivation, Strength & Endurance Surge While Exercising

If you run, cycle, swim, train for marathons, lift weights, train CrossFit, or naturally enjoy living an active lifestyle, then cortisol could have devastating effects on your performance and results.

That’s because startling research shows high cortisol levels can zap muscle strength and diminish muscle size. Even worse, guys can start suffering from a serious lack of motivation, which causes them to skip workouts rather than show up and give it 110%.

Thankfully, with CortiSync®, you could finally start balancing your cortisol levels to feel your motivation soar, your strength surge, and your energy skyrocket, helping you push through even the most grueling exercise with extra power. That’s because our formula is designed to increase upper and lower body strength while boosting your overall performance. In fact, in a clinical study, a special compound in CortiSync helped significantly improve exercise performance for both bench press (60% improvement in 1 RM bench press) and squat (90% improvement in 1 RM squat strength).

Dr. Redden in the gym

“Significantly Increased Maximum Output For Both Bench Press And Squat.”


Combat Cortisol-Induced Weight Gain That Makes Men Look “Skinny” Fat

The science is clear: When cortisol levels rise, weight gain occurs. More specifically, ugly belly fat seemingly grows “overnight”.

Even worse, losing weight becomes harder. That means you could eat right, exercise regularly and STILL look down to see a “kangaroo” pouch flapping over your belt. It’s a nightmare. And it’s called “cortisol-induced” weight gain.

But there’s good news: CortiSync® works with your body to help “optimize” metabolic activities.

This is “key” for losing fat caused by cortisol. Because too much cortisol “scrambles” your metabolism. And that’s why no matter what you do it feels impossible to lose weight. But once your cortisol is balanced, your metabolism improves, helping you lose weight with no extra effort. In fact, our breakthrough formula enhances your metabolism by countering metabolic stress – which helps prevent weight gain in the first place!


Boost Your Productivity With MORE Focus & Greater Attention Span

Men suffering from high cortisol levels often struggle to pay attention and experience memory problems, too.

That’s why the cognitive boosting benefits of CortiSync® are so exciting.

In a clinical study, a cortisol-reducing compound helped improve cognitive functions in just 2 weeks. And by the end of the study, the volunteers nearly doubled their focus! Can you imagine feeling 2X more focused at work? Your productivity levels could skyrocket. And instead of feeling “tense” and unproductive, you could feel calm, cool and relaxed, even in stressful situations, like working under tight deadlines.

And best of all: the ingredients in CortiSync® have been shown to increase alertness – to help your mind stay sharp without struggling with mental fatigue – so you can get more done in less time.

“Clinically Shown To Nearly 2X Your Focus!”

Graph: Depicting the change in ability to concentrate by nearly 2 times.

Results in Just 2 Weeks

CortiSync® is designed to provide results within the first 14 days.

This way, you could wake up feeling more refreshed, more balanced and more energized throughout your day starting in just one week.

PLUS… the results get better over time. That’s because it takes time for CortiSync to help “normalize” your adrenal function. So daily supplementation is key for maximum results.


One Daily Dose Is All You Need

CortiSync makes balancing your cortisol levels simple. One daily dose is all you need.

Just take 2 capsules with the meal of your choice.

And then sit back and let CortiSync® go to work for you!

A Natural Way To Reduce Cortisol Without The Harmful Side-Effects

CortiSync® is a natural and safe way to help get your cortisol levels under control.

Our formula is doctor recommended and made with scientifically studied compounds shown to reduce both cortisol levels and stress. The research also shows the ingredients in CortiSync® are well tolerated, without any dangerous side effects.

Icon: Non-GMO


Icon: Organic


Icon: Vegitarian


Icon: Kosher


Icon: Halal


Logo: Generally Recognize As Safe

Generally Recognized As Safe

Logo: FDA

FDA Registered & Inspected Facilities

Logo: CGMP

cGMP Certified Manufacturing

Logo: Formulation

Formulated with Patented Ingredients

Icon: Male

Designed to Support Men’s Health

Icon: No Prescription

No Prescription Required

Icon: Tablet

No Negative Side-Effects

Icon: Stethoscope

No Doctor Visits

Icon: Non-GMO


Icon: Organic


Icon: Vegitarian


Icon: Kosher


Icon: Halal


Logo: CGMP

cGMP Certified Manufacturing

Icon: Male

Designed to Support Men’s Health

Logo: FDA

FDA Registered & Inspected Facilities

Logo: Formulation

Formulated with Patented Ingredients

Icon: No Prescription

No Prescription Required

Icon: Tablet

No Negative Side-Effects

Icon: Stethoscope

No Doctor Visits

Logo: Generally Recognize As Safe

Sleep Like A Rock And Wake-Up  Refreshed And Fully Recharged

Do you have trouble falling or staying asleep? Some guys with high cortisol levels wake up several times a night, causing them to wake up feeling tired and exhausted.

If this sounds like you, here’s exciting news:

A patented compound in CortiSync® was shown to help dramatically improve quality of sleep. In fact, one study reported an astonishing 70% improvement in the ability to sleep. This could help you peacefully drift away into a deep sleep at the drop of a hat. Waking up feeling refreshed, recharged and renewed both physically and mentally!

“A Special “Relaxing” Compound In CortiSync® Improved Sleep By 70%!”

Graph: Improvement in Sleeplessness

Reduce Inflammation, Improve Bone Density & Enjoy More Joint Strength

Men suffering with high cortisol levels can also experience inflammation, bone loss and joint pain. And this is a really big problem if you like to stay active, play sports and work out regularly. The shoulders, wrists and knees are the first to go. Cracking, popping and stiffening as if you’re 20 years older than you should be. But thankfully, the ingredients in CortiSync® are packed with inflammation “soothing” benefits, for decreasing stiffness and supporting joint health. That’s because the ingredients in CortiSync® carry powerful antioxidants, which are also great for your immune health. Plus, our formula helps build strong bones by promoting bone mineralization.


Start Feeling More Energetic During The Day

Low energy is one of the biggest complaints among guys with high cortisol. That’s because too much cortisol messes with your metabolism, causing fatigue and exhaustion. But the ingredients in CortiSync® have been shown to reduce fatigue by 7X and improve endothelial function by 91% (which is critical for boosting your daily energy levels). Just imagine feeling “balanced” during the day… fully energized… without struggling with mid-day fatigue. How wonderful would that be? If you’re struggling with low energy, the results could be life-changing.


Your Satisfaction Is Guaranteed

You can try CortiSync® risk-free with our 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Simply place your order today.

If you aren’t fully satisfied with the results, send the bottles back for a full refund of the purchase price. No questions asked. No hassles. And no hard feelings. Just a risk-free opportunity to get your cortisol levels under control.


WARNING: Cortisol Levels Are Skyrocketing Around The Globe (And It’s Only Getting Worse)

With the economy spiraling out-of-control… supply chain disturbances running rampant… and inflation skyrocketing, it’s no wonder people are feeling stressed out! And that’s why more men are suffering from high cortisol levels in today’s world than ever before.

It’s a serious problem.

And it’s only getting worse.

Unfortunately, without taking affirmative action, elevated cortisol levels don’t simply “go away” on their own. And even if you start meditating like a monk and “quit” coffee, you may start feeling “less” stressed, but it doesn’t mean your cortisol levels will go down. Remember, your adrenal glands need to function properly for cortisol levels to regulate. So unless you deal with the “root” cause of the problem, cortisol levels will only continue to rise. And the side-effects will keep getting worse and worse.

That’s why it’s so urgent to take action immediately.


Get Your Cortisol Under Control Today

Don’t let high cortisol levels rob the best years of life any longer.

You have a risk-free opportunity to try one of the most cutting-edge formulas on the planet for reducing cortisol. And it’s all right here. Right now.

You’re In The Prime Of Your Life… ENJOY IT!

Start enjoying the best years of your life NOW!

We have a fresh supply of CortiSync standing by just for you.

Just click the link below to place your order today.

Remember, the sooner you get your cortisol levels under control, the faster you’ll see results!


Try It Risk-Free With Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Remember, your satisfaction is guaranteed with our rock-solid, money-back guarantee.

If you’re not happy, for any reason, simply return the bottle (even if they’re empty!) within 67 days for a full refund of the purchase price, minus shipping.

But after experiencing the marvelous cortisol-reducing benefits for yourself, we believe you’ll be happy you ordered today.

Try CortiSync® risk-free today!


Any Questions? 

Ordering is easy. Simply click the “Order Now” button below. From there, you’ll be able to select how many bottles of CortiSync® you want to start with. And then you’ll land on our secure order page. Fill out your information and confirm your order. We’ll send you an email right away, once your order is processed. And that’s it. Your package of CortiSync® will be rushed to you. Are you ready to finally get your stress under control? Click the Order Now button below to get started today!

We always recommend our clients start with 3 bottles. This gives you a 3-month supply of CortiSync. Remember, you could start experiencing the amazing results of reducing cortisol within just one week, but results improve as time goes on. Plus, you get a special discount with a 3-month supply (or more).

We’re so confident CortiSync® will help dramatically improve the quality of your life that it’s backed by a 100% satisfaction, money-back guarantee. Feel free to take our formula for a “test drive” today, completely risk-free.

The ingredients in CortiSync® have been tested in multiple clinical studies, both human and animal, without any dangerous side-effects. In fact, each ingredient in our formula is considered “well-tolerated” by the scientific community.

There are several reasons why CortiSync® is superior to other options. First, our formula is made with a patented cortisol-reducer, tested in twelve human clinical studies. It also combines seven unique adaptogens, making this formula one-of-a-kind. It’s easy to use. Results are fast. And the formula is 100% natural without any dangerous side-effects. Plus, each ingredient is backed by amazing research. And that’s why our formula is doctor- recommended as a safe option for reducing stress and lowering cortisol.

Yes. In fact, the ingredients in CortiSync® can support lower blood sugar maintenance and promote healthy blood pressure.

No. In fact, CortiSync® is designed to fight fatigue, helping you feel energized all-day-long. 


Cortisync® Delivers All-Natural Adrenal Support For Balancing Cortisol Levels & Dramatically Reducing Stress


100% Money Back Guaranteed

Please try our products for 60 days and if for any reason you are not 100 percent satisfied, simply return the empty containers within 67 days from the time of delivery for a full refund (excluding shipping charges).

If you wish to take advantage of the price discount by ordering multiple containers, don’t worry. Any unopened containers returned, along with your first two opened containers (within the 60 day guarantee period) will also be eligible for a full refund. How can we make this incredible guarantee? Because we KNOW you will be satisfied with our products.

Please do not ship any product back after the 67 day refund period has expired. Returns must be received back at warehouse within 67 days of delivery with no exceptions. Please feel free to try our products, but refunds are limited to one order per customer.

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