Gen-X Man doing a pull up

How Gen-X Men Are Performing At Their “Peak” No Matter Their Age!

As a Gen X man, you’re probably well aware of how our testosterone levels SINK like a brick in water after age 40. In fact…

…guys can start losing testosterone as early as age 30! And worse…

…when T-levels “tank” so do our energy levels (not to mention, stamina and strength).

Low “T” Is Like Kryptonite For Physically Active Guys In Their 40s & 50s

If you’re waking up feeling “defeated” before you start the day…

If your energy levels feel ZAPPED during work…

And if you’re finding it hard to PUSH yourself in the gym or while playing your favorite sports, then testosterone issues could be to blame.

So What Can You Do?

Unfortunately, there aren’t many reliable NATURAL options for Gen X men to improve testosterone levels. But…

…here’s some crazy good news:

What if there was a way to boost your testosterone levels so you could start training and playing sports like you did in your early 20’s?

Well, that’s what the Peak Performance Stack was designed to do for you!

INTRODUCING: The Peak Performance Stack

The Peak Performance Stack is designed for Gen X men to enhance your exercise performance in the weight room, on the basketball court and even help you have more drive and focus throughout your busy day at work and with your family.

This exercise-enhancing stack is 2-fold.

First, you get Testodren™. Made with a clinically proven formula shown to boost T-levels in 3 separate clinical studies… elevating FREE testosterone by up to a staggering 72.87%.

Second, you get our powerful pre-workout formula. This formula was specifically designed to ramp-up your drive, energy and focus, so you can blast through even the toughest training sessions. Backed by scientifically-studied ingredients, you’ll LOVE how it makes you feel and perform during your workouts.

Order Yours Today

More Energy

With higher testosterone levels and a solid pre-workout formula, you can expect your energy levels to feel at an all-time-high when you exercise, giving you that extra PUSH when you need it most!

More Stamina & Endurance

Do you know the difference between stamina and endurance? It’s important to know if you want to perform like you did in your early 20s.

You see, stamina is all about your ability to sustain a particular level of physical activity for an extended period of time. Endurance is all about your ability to withstand fatigue and continue performing physical activity over an extended period of time.

For example:

Stamina might refer to a runner’s ability to maintain a certain pace over a long distance, while endurance might refer to a runner’s ability to continue running despite feeling fatigued.

So, by improving BOTH your stamina and endurance, you can expect to increase your performance and success no matter what physical activity you enjoy!

More Strength

Enjoy more muscle strength to POWER through your workouts.

More Focus & Drive

Feel totally “zoned in” while exercising with bulldog determination to kick ass and take names!

Take A Look At What Other Gen Xers Are
Saying About Testodren™

The Peak Performance Stack is hot-off-the-presses BRAND-NEW. And we’re very excited to hear from guys like you about your amazing results. But for now, please take a look at these fascinating testimonials from guys using just Testodren™ alone!

The muscles in my arms are now harder and more defined” – Jason age 47

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“I have been taking Testodren for about six or seven weeks now. So far I have seen an improvement in lean muscle mass. The muscles in my arms, in particular, are now harder and more defined. However, perhaps the biggest change is in my energy levels. I am less fatigue during the day, and my body now requires less caffeine stimulation for energy and staying awake.”

“Strength and stamina have improved” – Jose P

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“After testing other products I decided to give Testodren a try. I have been using it for the last six months and could not be happier with the results. My strength and stamina and physical well have improved a lot. I wouldn’t take any other booster. Highly recommend it.”

“Happy with the extra energy it has given me” – Mick B

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“I have been taking Testodren for about a month now, and am happy with the extra energy it has given me. I am keeping a gym schedule, and wanted a sensible supplement to use. This fits the bill and seems to give me enough of an energy boost that I don’t dread going to the gym. Thanks.”

“Before Testodren I struggled through my workouts” – Virgil P

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“I’m 57 and I started taking Testodren because I was experiencing all the signs of low testosterone. Low energy and muscle loss were the main ones. It was during my second week of taking Testodren two capsules per day with food, that I noticed changes in the muscles in my legs, arms and chest. Before Testodren I struggled through my workouts with very little pump during reps. And with the exception of some slight stiffness I looked and felt like I had not even worked the muscles at all. With Testodren I’ve noticed my energy levels are much better during cardio sessions and my muscle pump is fantastic. My muscles are fuller and thicker and I feel like I’m making gains now. I couldn’t believe it at first but I’m a firm believer now. Testodren is the real deal. And as an added bonus the morning wood has returned.”

“My workouts are better, my energy is higher” – Richard W

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“I have been taking Testodren for about 2 months now and I gotta say – it made me a believer! I was skeptical of the claims, but being in my mid-40’s I noticed my energy level declining both in general and in the bedroom. I’m healthy, I exercise and do my best to eat right, so I did a little bit of reading and figured out that I was right at the age where this is common. I decided I’d give a testosterone boosting product a try, but I was coming at it from a skeptical viewpoint. I did some research, read reviews, and decided Testodren sounded like the right fit. I ordered a 3 month supply, and hoped for the best.

I got my supply quickly, and started taking it daily. By the end of week 2, I started to notice an uptick in my overall energy! By the end of the first month my workouts were better, my energy was higher and my fiance noticed the ‘after hours’ increase in energy too! Now near the end of month 2, there’s been no drip in energy and I feel fantastic! Testodren has turned me into a believer. If you’re feeling sluggish, or less energetic in the bedroom, I can personally attest to the fact that TESTODREN WORKS! I couldn’t be happier and plan on keeping the supply coming!”

Check Out These Remarkable
Clinical Study Results!

The Testodren™ formula underwent three separate human clinical trials, with testosterone levels being measured in each study. The results are impressive, as the Testodren™ formula increased testosterone levels in all three studies.

That’s a 100% success rate! But there’s more…

In one study involving aging men who used the Testodren formula, free testosterone levels skyrocketed by 72.87% in just 12 weeks!

The incredible outcomes have been documented in five prestigious medical and research journals. You can peruse the results of each clinical study in the journals listed below. These studies provide clear evidence that the Testodren™ formula is a completely natural and effective option for boosting testosterone levels.

  • The U.S. National
    Library of Medicine

  • World Journal of
    Pharmaceutical Research

  • International Journal of
    Medical Sciences

  • Functional Foods in
    Health and Disease

  • Federation of American
    Societies for Experimental Biology


PrimeGENIX Peak Performance

“My energy levels are much better during cardio sessions and my muscle pump is fantastic.”

20 Reviews

If you’re feeling less motivated to hit the gym… if you’re feeling fatigued in the middle of your training… if you’re struggling with exhaustion during your sets… and if you’re feeling completely drained after working out, then the PrimeGENIX PEAK… PERFORMANCE stack is here for you!

That’s where the PrimeGENIX 2X-TESTO stack steps in. This powerful combo provides you with the ultimate natural testosterone support by elevating your T-levels while blocking aromatase enzymes from converting your precious “mojo” hormone into the emotional wrecking ball called estrogen. This dual-testosterone support system is unlike anything you may have tried before, we GUARANTEE IT!

Read More
  • Feel your motivation levels explode before you even step foot in the gym…
  • Feel your muscle strength surge so you can “Hulk out” during each set…
  • Feel your energy levels soar so you can “crush” your workout without struggling with fatigue…
  • And Much MORE!
The Stack
  • Pre Workout™
  • Testodren™
If Bought Individually: $118.99
Sale Price: $87.00
Save $31.99/ea

Supported by Undisputed Scientific Research

Our aim was to design the most comprehensive pre-workout formula containing only essential ingredients, enabling you to maximize your workouts and feel stronger, more powerful, and completely in control during training. To achieve this, our team of exercise researchers analyzed clinical studies published in the most reputable journals worldwide. Although numerous nutrients were identified to enhance performance, we meticulously selected only those with significant, solid evidence to back them up.

Discover below what renowned exercise and nutrition journals have to say about the components in PrimeGENIX® Pre-Workout. You will see how these potent compounds aid athletic performance, reduce fatigue, increase energy, enhance strength, and much more!

“Several studies have reported that L-citrulline supplementation can enhance exercise performance and recovery.”

“Citrulline supplements significantly reduced post-exercise RPE and muscle soreness”

“Research currently suggests that beta-alanine has the greatest potential to improve performance in high-intensity exercise”

“L-citrulline significantly improved subjective feelings of muscle fatigue and concentration immediately after exercise”

“[Beta-Alanine] supplementation gave rise to a larger number of leg press repetitions executed with a load equivalent to 65% of the individual’s one-repetition maximum (1RM)”

“Nitric oxide related ergogenic aids such as arginine (Arg) have shown to impact positively on sport performance through several physiological and metabolic mechanisms.”

“The effects of L-arginine supplementation on energy expenditure were successful…”

“BCAA supplementation may mitigate muscle soreness following muscle-damaging exercise”

“Taurine is proposed to function as an antioxidant of ROS and promote recovery after exercise.”

“High-dose vitamin C showed a significant reduction in fatigue in almost all studies.”

“Beet Root due to its ability to increase NO−2 and NO in plasma can increase adaptation to endurance training.”

Order Yours Today

Made With The Help Of
Dr. Redden A.K.A. “Doc Thor”

Dr. Kaleb Redden, the team doctor for PrimeGENIX® is most popular for his appearance on the hit NBC series the Titan Games with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.

But beyond that, he’s a Gen X man in his 40s with 3 kids and a crazy busy career. But even with a busy lifestyle he still manages to exercise regularly and enjoy his favorite physical activities as if he were in his PRIME.

And that’s why we asked for his help when putting together all of our formulas, including the Peak Performance Stack.

How To Boost Your Testosterone
With Testodren™

Testodren™ Is A 100% Natural Option For Raising Your Testosterone Levels

  • U.S. Patented

  • cGMP Certified Manufacturing Practices

  • FDA Registered & Inspected Facility

  • No Prescription

  • No Doctor Visits

  • No Negative

  • ZERO Gluten

  • ZERO Soy

  • ZERO Eggs

  • ZERO Dairy

  • ZERO Wheat

  • ZERO Sugar

  • ZERO Preservatives

Made Using The Highest Quality
Standards for Good Manufacturing

We are DEDICATED to superior quality manufacturing practices. That’s why our cGMP certified facilities are registered and regularly inspected by the FDA. Meeting and exceeding their strict regulations and guidelines.

Get The Peak Performance Stack
For $119.94 ONLY $87.00!

You can start enjoying PEAK performance for less than $100 a month by trying the Peak Performance stack TODAY!

Enjoy the extra savings and rock on!


Backed By Our Rock-Solid, 100% Satisfaction, Money Back Guarantee


We guarantee your 100% SATISFACTION with all PrimeGENIX® products. If you’re not fully satisfied (for any reason), simply return the product within 67 days, for a full refund, minus shipping.

But when you’re enjoying the daily benefits of our high-quality formulas, you’ll be happy you gave PrimeGENIX® a shot.


PrimeGENIX Peak Performance

“My energy levels are much better during cardio sessions and my muscle pump is fantastic.”

20 Reviews

If you’re feeling less motivated to hit the gym… if you’re feeling fatigued in the middle of your training… if you’re struggling with exhaustion during your sets… and if you’re feeling completely drained after working out, then the PrimeGENIX PEAK… PERFORMANCE stack is here for you!

That’s where the PrimeGENIX 2X-TESTO stack steps in. This powerful combo provides you with the ultimate natural testosterone support by elevating your T-levels while blocking aromatase enzymes from converting your precious “mojo” hormone into the emotional wrecking ball called estrogen. This dual-testosterone support system is unlike anything you may have tried before, we GUARANTEE IT!

Read More
  • Feel your motivation levels explode before you even step foot in the gym…
  • Feel your muscle strength surge so you can “Hulk out” during each set…
  • Feel your energy levels soar so you can “crush” your workout without struggling with fatigue…
  • And Much MORE!
The Stack
  • Pre Workout™
  • Testodren™
If Bought Individually: $118.99
Sale Price: $87.00
Save $31.99/ea


Here’s how it works:

Testodren™ is made with a clinically proven testosterone-boosting extract. Just to be clear, this formula specifically designed to
help Gen X men increase testosterone levels.

And as you know, testosterone is a hormone that plays an important role in men's physical development and maintenance,
including the growth and retention of muscle mass, bone density, and red blood cell production.

But unfortunately, as men age, their testosterone levels gradually decline, which can lead to decreased muscle mass,
strength, and physical performance.

So by increasing your testosterone, you could expect:

  • More overall energy
  • More muscle strength
  • More stamina & endurance
  • More focus & drive

And many other benefits helping to help you feel on top of your game.

To get the best results, we suggest following the directions on the label of each formula.

For Testodren™, simply take 1 capsule in the morning with breakfast. You don’t need to take it BEFORE you exercise. That’s not
necessary. Simply take it once a day, in the morning, with food.

For the Pre-Workout, simply take 1 level scoop of the powder and mix it with 10-12 oz. of cold water, until fully dissolved. We
suggest consuming this formula 30 minutes before any physical activity to improve performance.

Testodren™ is a testosterone-boosting formula for Gen X men that contains a patented compound derived from Fenugreek, an
herb that has been used for medicinal purposes in the Mediterranean region for centuries. Researchers have identified a
potent testosterone-boosting compound called Protodioscin in Fenugreek. However, the levels of Protodioscin in Fenugreek
are inconsistent and often too low to produce significant results.

To address this issue, Testodren™ uses a patented purification process that guarantees a consistent level of Protodioscin in
each dose. This unique process enhances Protodioscin levels to 20%, which is possibly the highest concentration of this
compound derived from Fenugreek worldwide. As a result, the Testodren™ formula has been clinically proven to boost testosterone levels in multiple human trials, making it a reliable and effective supplement for those looking to increase their testosterone levels.

The Pre-Workout formula is made with:

  • Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid) 60mg 67%
  • Niacin (Vitamin B3) 25mg 156%
  • Vitamin B12 (as Cyanocobalamin) 12mcg 500%
  • Chloride (as Potassium Chloride) 250mg 11%
  • Sodium (as Sodium Citrate) 200mg 9%
  • Potassium (as Potassium Chloride) 250mg 5%
  • L-Citrulline Malate 3000mg
  • L-Arginine HCL 2000mg
  • Beta-Alanine 2000mg
  • Taurine 1000mg
  • Instantized L-Leucine 1000mg
  • Instantized Isoleucine 500mg
  • Instantized Valine 500mg
  • Red Beet Juice Powder 1000mg
  • Black Pepper (Piper Nigrum (Fruit Extract) Standardized to 95% Piperine) (Bioperine®) 5mg
PrimeGENIX Pre-Workout Nutritional Facts

Yes. In fact, both formulas are 100% natural and doctor-recommended WITHOUT any negative side effects reported.

Please know, with the Peak Performance Stack, you’re getting a safe, effective and POWERFUL way to enhance your strength,
stamina and physical performance, naturally.

To truly make this a “risk free” offer for you, the Peak Performance Stack is backed by our rock-solid, 100% satisfaction, 67-day,
money-back guarantee.

Simply order today.

If you’re not satisfied for ANY reason, just return the containers (even if they’re empty) within 67 days for a FULL refund minus shipping.
No questions asked!

This way, you literally have NOTHING to lose and EVERYTHING to gain!

Yes, you can split your purchase into 4 easy-to-make payments (100% interest free) with Sezzle, during checkout.
(Some restrictions may apply).

  • 100% Natural

  • Designed to Support
    Men’s Health

  • Formulated with
    Patented Ingredients

  • CCMP Certified

  • FDA Registered &
    Inspected Facilities

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