Many of us men will suffer from hormonal deficiencies as we age. Some will even feel the unfortunate effects of more severe hormonal imbalances. As men get older, our bodies naturally produce less testosterone. In turn, we accumulate more estrogen. And as a result, we lose some level of the masculinity we enjoyed in our younger years.
We often hear about the physical toll hormonal decline can take on us guys. But the deterioration of mental health is rarely spoken about.
The truth is that without strong mental health, we can’t have the powerful, cut physiques we’d like to have.
If we’re constantly feeling tired, burnt out, stressed, and fed up with life, how are we supposed to put in work at the gym? Or eat properly, for that matter?
A man’s natural hormonal decline can lead to a long list of mental health problems. Many issues from social anxiety, to loss of motivation, can be related to hormonal levels.
We’re here to discuss the various ways that hormonal deficiencies can lead to a decline in mental health and we’ll touch on some ways to overcome these problems naturally.
If hormonal imbalance is also affecting you mood, check out our post, “Not Feeling Like Yourself Lately? – Hormones Could Be To Blame” to feel your best.
If your mental game has slipped, we’d encourage you to read on. We’ve been there and we know it’s not fun. But there are some simple steps we can all take to regain control of our mental states and flourish as healthy, confident men.

Hormones And The Brain
The brain is arguably the most important organ in the body. Weighing in at about three pounds, the human brain is an intricate organ responsible for regulating vital processes like: memory, thought, emotion, and hunger, among many others.
Simply put, the brain acts as the control center for our mental health. However, as we age, our brain function naturally deteriorates.
A significant factor in this deterioration is the continuous depletion of optimal hormonal levels.
The brain is full of neural pathways–a series of continuous nerves that send and receive electrical stimuli from all over the body. There are also hormone receptors–cells that bind to hormones, allowing them to properly carry out important duties.
Hormones, such as testosterone, work as neuroprotectors. They maintain the health of neural pathways and they bind to hormone receptors, ensuring optimal brain function and mental health.
As our hormone levels are thrown out of whack, we will lose some of the mental capabilities we once had.
A 2018 clinical study on the relationship between hormone levels and cognitive function found that “well-maintained hormones throughout life are crucial to support cognitive abilities”.1
Another clinical study suggested a strong correlation between free testosterone levels and cognitive performance, especially in men.2
Modern medical science has found that hormonal deficiencies can seriously impact brain function, and subsequently, mental health.

What Mental Health Issues Can Hormonal Decline Lead To?
The study of mental health is always evolving. In recent years, experts have made significant progress in diagnosing and treating many maladies of the mind. However, there is still much work to be done.
Current studies exhibit strong evidence that hormones play a crucial role in mental health. And a lack of those hormones can create serious problems.
We’ll talk about some of those problems now.
1. Mood Swings
One minute we’re over the moon, living our best lives. And the next we are dumped into a pit of despair.
Many aging men find it hard to regulate their moods consistently. This can be related to low testosterone levels.
Testosterone is thought by many to be simply a sex hormone. Yet, it does, in fact, play a role in regulating a man’s mental outlook.
The reason for this is that testosterone functions as a cortisol inhibitor. Cortisol is a hormone released by the body under stressful conditions. It triggers our “fight or flight” response mechanisms.
An excess amount of cortisol can lead to feelings of:
- Irrationality
- Anger
- Hostility
- Irritability
When suffering from low testosterone and high cortisol levels, men are highly susceptible to outbursts. Such outbursts can have significantly damaging effects on professional and personal relationships.
2. Memory Loss
It is believed that hormonal deficiencies, especially low testosterone in men, may be linked to memory loss. Doctors have theorized that diminishing testosterone levels because of aging may play a role in memory-related conditions like dementia and Alzheimers.
A 2019 review by the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry concluded that testosterone supplementation showed promise “as a preventative measure against cognitive decline”.3
Another review, conducted by The World Journal Of Men’s Health and published in 2022, found that “the majority of studies showed the T administration improved memory”.4 (T meaning testosterone)
As we discussed earlier, hormones like testosterone act as neuroprotectors. This means they act to protect neural pathways in the brain. As the neural pathways deteriorate with age, brain function declines. Maintaining optimal hormonal balance is crucial in ensuring the health of neural pathways.

3. Depression
Some issues that come with hormonal imbalances include:
- Lack Of Motivation
- Loss Of Libido
- Consistent Fatigue
- Hopelessness
Many of these symptoms are indistinguishable from those associated with clinical depression.
Hormones like testosterone and estrogen are key in the production of serotonin. Serotonin is a hormone that promotes happiness and well-being naturally. When we lose hormonal balance, then we cannot produce proper levels of serotonin. And we feel a general sense of sadness or sluggishness.
Serotonin receptors in the brain can deteriorate with age. These receptors rely on proper hormonal levels to maintain their health.
One clinical study, published in The Archives Of General Psychiatry, found that men suffering from low testosterone levels were three times as likely to develop depression.5
4. Inability To Focus
Many of us have trouble focusing on one task for too long. It could be work-related or family-related. Either way, this problem can be debilitating.
Much of this issue goes back to chronic stress. Again, when we experience stress, our bodies release excessive amounts of cortisol into the bloodstream. Over time, high cortisol levels will cause the deterioration of key receptors in the brain. This can severely hamper the ability to focus.
However, proper hormonal levels can inhibit the overproduction of cortisol. Under proper hormonal conditions, focus levels can vastly improve.
If you’re suffering from consistent “brain fog” then a hormonal deficiency could be to blame.
5. Anxiety
Anxiety can come in many forms. And it can be triggered by a multitude of factors. Whether it is a fear of disrobing at the pool or just meeting new people, some evidence suggests anxiety may be related to hormonal deficiencies.
Many men who suffer from decreased testosterone levels experience symptoms such as:
- Increased Fat
- Decreased Muscle Mass And Strength
- Feelings Of Inadequacy
- Diminished Sexual Health
- Lack Of Energy
These symptoms can take a real toll on men psychologically. There is some research in this field, but we need more data to draw real conclusions.
That being said, it is clear in theory how diminished hormonal levels can create bouts of anxiety in us guys. Not feeling confident in ourselves is awful. It creeps into every crevice of our psyche and makes life very difficult.

What Exactly Can We Do About It?
We assure you it’s not all doom and gloom. There are some steps we can take to fight back against the mental health issues caused by hormonal decline.
Let’s talk about those now.
1. Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Testosterone replacement therapy, or TRT for short, is a medical procedure that can help men with severe hormonal imbalances.
A 2019 clinical review found that “testosterone treatment appears to be effective and efficacious in reducing depressive symptoms in men.”6
The evidence from this study suggests that restored healthy levels of testosterone significantly improved the mental health of participants.
TRT must be administered by a medical professional. So, we’d encourage you to speak with a doctor before moving forward. TRT treatments are available through injections, pellets placed under the skin, topical gels, or patches.
TRT does come with some negative side effects, including:
- Increased Body Acne
- Limited Sperm Production
- Shrunken Testicles
- Worsened Sleep Quality
- Enlarged Breasts
This clinical treatment can be effective in restoring hormonal levels and increasing mental health. But it is only suggested in the most extreme situations because of the negative side effects.
2. Get Plenty Of Sleep
Getting high-quality sleep is vital for overall health. The optimal amount of sleep may vary from person to person. However, sleep is the time our bodies restore themselves. So, it’s necessary for health.
A clinical study showed that healthy men, after just one week of only 5 hours of sleep a night, experienced a reduction in testosterone levels by as much as 15%.7
If you’re struggling to get enough sleep, we’d recommend practices like:
- Follow A Consistent Sleep Schedule
- Decrease Caffeine Intake
- Exercise During The Day
- Limit Activities In Bed To Sleep And Sex
- Leave Electronic Devices Out Of The Bedroom
High-quality sleep can be transformative, especially when it comes to mental health.
3. Manage Stress Levels
Chronic stress levels are absolutely disastrous for overall health. They can significantly enhance the speed of deterioration in critical areas of the body. And they lead to decreased testosterone production.
If you’re struggling to manage stress, we’d encourage you to:
- Exercise Regularly
- Practice Breathing Exercises
- Give Yourself Breaks
- Enjoy A Hobby
- Discuss Problems With Others
In today’s world, stress is everywhere. But we should do our best to lessen its detrimental effects on our health.
4. Change Up The Diet
What we eat can have a massive impact on hormonal health and thus mental health. It is important to eat a diet that is hormone friendly and encourages better overall health.
As men, looking to improve our hormonal balance, we should eat a diet that is high in protein, healthy fat, complex carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.
Some foods to focus on eating include:
- Chicken, Beef, And Fish
- Green Vegetables Like Broccoli
- Olive Oil
- Avocado
- Beans
We’d encourage you to eat mostly whole foods and to avoid processed foods. Ideally, we’d like to avoid processed sugars. And if we can cut down on alcohol, that’s even better.

5. Try A Dietary Supplement
Dietary supplements are an excellent way to make up for the shortcomings in your diet. We get it, we can’t all eat perfectly all the time, that’s life. But we can get much of what we need from dietary supplements.
However, not all dietary supplements are created equal.
We’d recommend choosing a dietary supplement that:
- Uses U.S. Patented Ingredients
- Uses cGMP Certified Manufacturing Practices
- Has A Money-Back Guarantee
Any supplements that don’t follow these criteria are likely to be pretenders.
The ideal supplements for men experiencing mental health issues caused by aging should include:
- Protein Powder
- Omega 3 Fatty Acid
- Multivitamin
- Nitric Oxide Support
- Testosterone Booster
- Estrogen Blocker
If you’re interested in using a dietary supplement, check out what PrimeGENIX has to offer. All the products at PrimeGENIX use all-natural ingredients and are crafted to help men get their hormones under control.
Testodren from PrimeGENIX is a 100% natural testosterone booster, chock full of healthy plants, herbs, vitamins, and minerals.
DIM3X is an all-natural estrogen blocker that can be combined with Testodren for ideal results. DIM3X uses the active ingredient Diindolylmethane, which is clinically proven to inhibit estrogen production naturally.
Read up on these supplements today.

It’s Time to Take Control of Your Mental Health
Much of the banter around health focuses on physical health. And that is very important. However, mental health is just as, if not more, relevant for a quality life.
Mood swings, memory loss, depression, lack of focus, and anxiety are all too common in men these days. Some of us just write these issues off as part of life.
However, there are unseen problems at play. And we assure you that these problems can be overcome.
Life is too short to give into weak mental health.
We must take control of our lives ourselves. We need to grab the bull by the horns and live life on our terms.
But remember, change won’t come overnight. Follow the advice in this article and take it one day at a time. Remain consistent. We can assure you that in time, you will experience noticeable improvements in your mentality.
Thanks for reading. Seize the day, men. Your best days can be ahead of you if you want them to be. Don’t forget, age is just a number!
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